Companies operating in a broad range of behavior-related disciplines
had been invited to exhibit their products at the conference. This included
manufacturers of behavioral research equipment, activity monitors, microdialysis
equipment, physiological sensors, biotelemetry and radio tracking systems,
bat detectors, eye-tracking systems, biomechanics equipment, biofeedback
systems, etc. Measuring Behavior 2000 was a great place to get
up-to-date with what is on the market for modern behavioral research.
The following companies were present at Measuring Behavior 2000:
Alea Solutions GmbH
SOLEASY is a customizable laboratory software package for biomedical
research (EMG, ECG, goniometers, force, pressure, etc.). Benefits:
user-definable structure of analysis, intuitive graphical concept,
combined measurements and stimulation/control, reduction of time
from experiment to publication. |
Biomedical Monitoring
Biomedial Monitoring Ltd is a spin-out company from the University
of Strathclyde. It has developed data logging products designed
for long term recording from a wide range of sensors attached to
ambulatory subjects. |
Data Sciences International
Data Sciences manufactures telemetric systems that collect and analyze
physiological parameters such as blood pressure, ECG, EEG, EMG,
temperature, and activity from conscious animals without the use
of restraint and tethering. |
Metris develops and manufactures innovative instrumentation systems
for the analysis of animal behavior. Products include GATEWATCH
and LABORAS. At the conference LABORAS, a system for automatic behavior
detection in small rodents will be demonstrated. |
Noldus Information
Noldus Information Technology develops software and instrumentation
for recording and analyzing human or animal behavior. Besides standard
software packages, Noldus also provides integrated data acquisition
and analysis systems, including PCs and various sorts of audiovisual
equipment, as well as complete observational laboratories. At the
conference, ongoing demonstrations will be given of the latest versions
of all available products, including The Observer, EthoVision, UltraVox,
MatMan and the Video Course in Behavioural Observation. Special
attention will be given to EthoVision 2.0 for Windows and the beta
version of The Observer 5.0. |
SensoMotoric Instruments
SensoMotoric Instruments, founded in 1991, designs, develops and
distributes video-based eye tracking systems for a wide range of
applications such as psychology, neurology, reading, cognition,
marketing research and human-computer interaction. More than 300
systems are installed worldwide. |
Sentient Machine Research
Sentient Machine Research, founded in 1990, develops adaptive software
that can predict and perceive. Some example applications for prediction:
risk identification in care management, decision support for diagnoses
(CVA patients). Perception focuses on video content: smart key frame
extraction, motion segmentation, motion classification, object tracking,
face recognition and face-expression classification. |
Somedic Sales AB
Somedic develops, manufactures and markets innovative instruments
for physiology and pharmacology. At the conference we will demonstrate
how to assess sensory functions, including pain, and a new system
for determination of metabolic functions in unrestrained animals. |
Tracksys Ltd
Tracksys Ltd are the distributors of Noldus Information Technology
and SensoMotoric Instruments in the UK and Ireland. They integrate
a variety of products, many of which are designed in-house, to provide
complete research solutions. These solutions include the use of
eye-trackers, night and remote site 12-volt video systems, wireless
video transmission equipment, infra-red lights and infra-red mazes
for studying transgenic mice. |
Data acquisition and analysis "Powerlab", force, pressure, displacement
and other transducers and amplifiers for the measurement of physiological
parameters. |
Last updated: 3 July 2001