Relation between self-esteem, personality dimensions of extraversion and emotionality and real-time patterning of social interaction
G.K. Jonsson
Human Behavior Laboratory, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
A pilot study is presented where the real-time structure and synchronization of verbal and non-verbal behavior is analyzed and related to self-esteem and personality dimensions of extraversion and emotionality. Twenty-four dyadic interactions between male students were analyzed. The software package Theme was used to detect real-time patterns in real-time behavior records [3,4,5].
Research has shown a strong relationship between verbal and non-verbal communication and cognition and social adaptation [1]. An earlier study suggests a strong relationship between the level of a subject's self-esteem and the number of behavioral patterns produced in dyadic interaction situtations [2]. No research exists on the relation between real-time behavior organization and personality. It is unknown whether such behavior analysis would reveal a difference in real-time patterns produced by persons with different scores on Eysenck Personality Questionnaire.
Initial results indicate that these interactions are highly synchronized and structured. A strong correlation was found between a subject's self-esteem and complexity and frequency of behavioral patterns detected. A high correlation was also found between a subject's personality and complexity and frequency of patterns.
Certain pattern types were found exclusively to be produced by extroverts and other by introverts. High and low self-esteem subjects were also found to produce different types of behavioral patterns. The type and amount of behavior emitted by extroverts and subjects with high self-esteem also differed from behavior emitted by introverts and subjects with a low self-esteem.
Poster presented at Measuring Behavior 2000, 3rd International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, 15-18 August 2000, Nijmegen, The Netherlands