GSEQ for Windows: New software for the sequential analysis of behavioral data, with an interface to The Observer
V. Quera1 and R. Bakeman2
of Behavioral Science Methods, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
2Department of Psychology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA,
GSEQ is a general-purpose program that analyzes behavioral sequences. It reads sequential data written in SDIS (Sequential Data Interchange Standard) format, and provides a variety of sequential statistics, including tables of lag frequencies, chi-squares, and adjusted residuals. Several kinds of data modifications are possible, including recoding, lumping, chaining and time-windowing. GSEQ can also export results for further analyses using standard packages like SPSS. The program is useful for exploring both lagged associations in event sequences, and synchronic associations in time-based ones, and, generally speaking, for calculating sequential association statistics that reflect or characterize interaction processes in dyads or groups. The first versions of the software ran under DOS, and were published and presented elsewhere [1,4]. GSEQ for Windows 4.0 (GSW), a new version running under Windows 95 or later, is presented. Like previous versions, it includes a utility for composing commands that request specific analyses, and a function for plotting the data in time*behavior plots. A new utility for analyzing agreement between observers and for calculating kappa is also included. GSW compiles and reads data files written in the SDIS language, whose syntax has been updated and improved. GSW is multilingual English/Spanish/Italian, and provides results in HTML format if requested.
OTS, a utility external to GSW, which converts The Observer 3.0/4.0 ODF- to SDIS-formatted data is also presented [2]. The OTS program is useful for investigators who use The Observer [3] to collect data but who then wish to take advantage of the extensive data modification and analytic capabilities of GSW. OTS can convert either all the ODF files in a project, or a selection of them, into a single SDIS file, or into separate SDIS files.
GSW and OTS can be downloaded from or GSW will not run unless a previous DOS version (distributed with Bakeman & Quera's 1995 book) is installed in the same directory.
Figure 1. Sample screenshots from GSEQ for Windows.
Poster presented at Measuring Behavior 2000, 3rd International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, 15-18 August 2000, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
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