
What did the participants think of Measuring Behavior 2000?

"The conference provided a unique, intimate gathering of diverse specialists sharing an interest in measuring behavior with wonderful cross-fertilization. The evening cultural events enhanced the experience of the conference + meeting people" (Howard Gershenfeld - U.S.A.)

"A comfortable relaxed atmosphere with a very high standard of science and a lively platform for discussions about behavior and automation and analysis" (Aileen Wrynn - Switzerland)

"Measuring Behavior is probably the unique conference were researchers can meet scientists from so different fields, but concerning a common question: objectively measuring behavior" (Marc Ylieff - Belgium)

"Great variety of research disciplines" (Frank Tuyttens - Belgium)

"A very interesting conference for anyone who is interested in behavior" (Diana Krouwel - The Netherlands)

"One of the few conferences at which you can train using software for behavioral research" (Tomasz Osiejuk - Poland)

"I liked the broad range of applications and took a lot of ideas home with me" (Bertold Durst - Germany)

"Well organized and enjoyable conference" (Tamar - United Kingdom)

"I enjoyed the diversity of the delegates and the focus on measurements" (Patrick Courtney - United Kingdom)

Last updated: 1 November 2000