and Behavior
Poster presentations
and demonstrations
Thursday, August 17, 14:00-17:30
13.1. |
N. Tremblay, J.
Martino, A. Dray and D. Ménard (Montréal, Canada). Effect
of morphine on air-puff-induced hyperalgesia measured by 22kHz ultrasonic
vocalization following intracerebroventricular administration of E. coli
lipopolysaccharide in the rat.
13.2. |
G. Helfer and G.
Bernroider (Salzburg, Austria). Signals
behind motoric expressions I: recognition and spatial preference in juvenile
13.3. |
T.S. Osiejuk (Poznan,
Poland). Repertoire size, song types
and temporal pattern of song switching in a population of Ortolan Bunting
from western Poland.
13.4. |
A. van Hirtum and
D. Berckmans (Heverlee, Belgium).Fuzzy-neural
approach for improved classification of pig-cough frequency features.
13.5. |
J. Thompson (Wallinton,
Australia). Development of a selective
adaptation design for determining the nature of free-field auditory localization
13.6. |
J. Thompson (Wallinton,
Australia). Development of a technique
for identifying central auditory pathway neuropathology in people with
multiple sclerosis.
13.7. |
B. Zei Pollermann
(Geneva, Switzerland). Measurement
of emotional involvement in spontaneous speaking behavior.