Measuring the Brain in Action

Oral presentations
Wednesday, August 16, 14:50-16:30, Large Auditorium
Chair: P. Hagoort (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)


P. Hagoort (Nijmegen, The Netherlands). Measuring what makes behavior possible.


R.L. Savoy (Charlestown, MA, U.S.A.). Behavioral measurements, functional MRI brain activation measurements: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


A.C. Nobre (Oxford, United Kingdom). Intracranial recordings and word recognition in the human brain.


W.N.J.M. Colier, M.C. van der Sluijs, J. Menssen and B. Oeseburg (Nijmegen, The Netherlands). Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy: from a single-channel towards a multichannel approach.

Poster presentations and demonstrations
Thursday, August 17, 14:00-17:30


N. Mathevon, S. Mottin, P. Laporte and R. Cespuglio (St-Etienne, France). Time-resolved laser spectroscopy of brain tissue in freely moving rodents: an opportunity to assess energy metabolism during behavioural activity.


I. Jaquet, M. van der Hoeven, P.Hagoort, B. Oeseburg and W.J.N.M Colier (Nijmegen, The Netherlands). Optical imaging of human brain function: application of near-infrared spectroscopy in language study.


G.D. Kuznetsova, L.A. Zhavoronkova , A.V. Gabova, V.I. Passechnik, A.B. Janovich (Moscow, Russia). EEG and radiothermomapping in healthy persons and Chernobyl patients during mental activity.