Drawing conclusions from user experience data:
a multidimensional challenge

M. Tscheligi

CURE - Center for Usability Research & Engineering, Vienna, Austria

The traditional purpose of observing interactive behavior in usability engineering practice and usability research is to make inferences about the way users struggle with interaction elements to reach their goals. Several sources of data can be collected (e.g. video capturing, user interface events, voice, time measurements, navigational paths, eyetracking data) and have to be combined and interpreted in synergy to develop an interaction picture which serve the needs of the investigation. Beyond the need of identification of user interaction problems, the interpretation of data should lead to the prioritization of interaction problems (which has shown as a must in industrial projects), the identification of improvement potentials for the particular system, improvement and innovation potential in general and the usage of the data for advancing the knowledge of field (interpretation and comparisons towards the consolidation of "old" and "new" knowledge).

This leads to several interpretation goals and paths. In an ideal world every interpretation within an engineering or research project of interactive behavior data acts as an additional piece of a puzzle enhancing the existing understanding of interactive behavior. This leads to interpretation challenges on several levels:

Above mentioned challenges will be discussed based on experiences from different projects in different contexts.

Paper presented at Measuring Behavior 2002, 4th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, 27-30 August 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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