Quotes from Delegates

What participants said about Measuring Behavior 2002

"The best part about Measuring Behavior 2002 is the exchange of ideas with people from different fields all trying to solve similar problems" (P.J. Clemins - U.S.A.)

"For me, the opportunity to discuss technical issues with Noldus staff and other exhibitors was a major benefit of the conference" (G. Cronin - Australia)

"I found the tutorials most helpful to get new ideas about methods I might use in the future and to improve the use of programs. It was also good to hear from and meet people using the same or similar methods " (S. Gebhardt - Switzerland)

"The aspect I mostly preferred for Measuring Behavior 2002 is that I was able to follow scientific symposia , have assess to the training of software, get explanations of the software in tutorials all at the same time and enjoying scientific tours and very good food!" (D. Gerebtzoff- Switzerland)

"An extemely useful conference which gave us the potentialities for measuring behaviour
" (M. Gibbs - Australia)

"Open atmosphere for communication between scientists of very different background" (R.H. Geuze - The Netherlands)

"Wide range of scientific fields, so one can find and hear about methods and tools you maybe don't see in your field" (H.P. Holzer - Austria)

"Intimate, well organised conference encouraging contact between researchers of different yet related backgrounds and interests" (R.H. Houston - The Netherlands)

"All was well organised!" (D. Kakol-Palm - Sweden)

"It was a wonderful and enlightening combination of disciplines in behavioral science and current technology" (C.J. Machado - U.S.A.)

"This conference renews my hopes that the study of behavior has a bright future" (P. Midford - U.S.A.)

"An excellent opportunity for researchers of both human and animal ongoing behavior to share information and ideas. To become familiar with state-of-the-art technological tools. Wonderful conference! Pleased a great deal! Thanks for your efforts, especially to staff working at the registration desk, very helpful" (C. Turis - U.S.A.)

Last updated: 17 December 2002