Tools and techniques for the study of multimodal communication: speech, gesture and facial expression

Organizers: Els den Os (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and Niels Cadee (Noldus Information Technology bv, Wageningen, The Netherlands)

Analysis and evaluation of multimodal communication is gaining importance in language research and related sectors in industry. This SIG was about tools and techniques for annotating and analyzing multimodal communicative behavior between humans as well as between humans and machines (systems). Multimodal communication combines speech with for example gestures, facial expression, body posture or gaze. A wide range of tools will be demonstrated. We expect that a broad range of industrial sectors can benefit from understanding how humans interact with each other and with machines: spoken dialogue systems and multimodal human-computer interfaces, animation, communication technologies, and language documentation.

Aim of the meeting

  • Show the state of the art, by means of a series of short talks and software demonstrations. All speakers are involved in development of tools for the study of multimodal communication.
  • Allow conference participants to discuss with people involved in tool development. It would be especially interesting to get feedback from potential users (language and communication researchers, but also for example psychologists interested in non-verbal behavior).


Last updated: 30 December 2002