Advances in telemetry:
physiological measurements in freely behaving animals

Oral presentations
Wednesday, August 28, 14:55-18:00, Aula
Chair: Andries ter Maat & René Jansen (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)


A. ter Maat. Introduction


A. Nieder (Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.). Spikes on the air: radio-telemetric transmission of multiple single-neuron signals from behaving animals.


Coffee break


K. Kramer (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). The use of radio-telemetry in small laboratory animals: recent advances.


M.J.M.A. Nijsen, N. Ongenae, B. Coulie and A. Meulemans (Beere, Belgium). Measuring visceral pain in conscious animal.


L.D. Désiré, G. Toporenko, E. Delval, T. Vimal, G. Després, I. Veissier and A. Boissy (Saint-Genès-Champanelle, France). The effect of suddenness and novelty on psychophysiological parameters in sheep.


E. Hunter, J.D. Julian, J.D. Reynolds and G.P. Arnold (Lowestoft, U.K.). Linking individual behavior and population dynamics: using electronic tags to measure fish migration.


V.J.T. van Ginneken, P. Snelderwaard, R. van der Linden, N. van der Reijden, Y. Robbers, G.E.E.J.M van den Thillart and K. Kramer (Leiden, The Netherlands). Regulation of cardiac rhythm in fish under metabolic depression: a calorimetric and radio-telemetric study.

Poster presentations and demonstrations
Thursday, August 29, 14:00-17:30


P. Hawkins (Horsham, U.K.). Telemetry and animal welfare: practical refinements.


E. Hunter (Lowestoft, U.K.). Subdivision of the North Sea plaice population: evidence from electronic tags.

3.3. D. Brodkin, M. Bradbury, N. Warren, L. Bristow and M. Varney (San Diego, CA, U.S.A.). Using telemetry to measure stress-induced hyperthermia in metabotropic glutamate recepter 5 knockout mice.
3.4. P.J. Hoogeboom (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Information synchronisation through post-processing utilysing the PRN code.