Analyzing behavior and interactions with Theme: detection and analysis of hidden temporal patterns

Magnus Magnusson (University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland)

You will acquire understanding and skills regarding the analysis of behavior and interactions seen as the intra- and inter-individual construction and repetition of (typically hidden) temporal patterns (t-patterns).

Participants will:

  • Learn about the use of this methodology and technology through presentation of example studies from both human and animal research.
  • Learn how to analyze behavioral and interaction patterns you have detected and answer various questions about their content, complexity, meaning and functional aspects.
  • Learn to detect how structure in behavior and interactions may depend on independent variables such as, for example, age, sex, tasks or experimental treatment.

Intended for researchers interested in the possibilities for new kinds of insights into the structure and function of human and animal behavior as well as the detection of effects of experimental and environmental factors on the structure of behavior.

The presentation will be in the form of a mixture of a PowerPoint slide presentation (which will also be handed out) and demonstration of the actual use of the Theme program.

Instructor resume
Dr. Magnus S. Magnusson is research professor and director of the Human Behavior Laboratory, University of Iceland. Creator of the t-pattern model and the Theme software, which he has developed and applied over more than 20 years during his research in psychological, ethological and anthropological laboratories of European universities, including Copenhagen University, the University of Paris (V, VIII & XIII) and the National Museum of Natural History, Paris. He has lectured and organized workshops in Japan, the USA and Europe. He is also the founder and chairman of PatternVision Ltd.

Sign up
To sign up for this tutorial, please send an email to Magnus Magnusson. Feel free to ask questions in advance, thus allowing the instructor to tailor the content of the tutorial to the interest of the participants.

Last updated: 5 July 2002