Visualization and quantitative analysis of animal locomotion using Wintrack

David Wolfer (University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland)

You will gain an impression of the wealth of information contained in the data that is recorded from moving animals by commonly available video tracking systems. The tutorial will introduce you to a powerful tool (Wintrack) that helps to extract more of this information in order to improve the interpretation of behavioral experiments.

Participants will be introduced to

  • the principles of track analysis
  • a simple drag and drop interface for quick analysis and visualization of track data
  • script-based advanced analysis and event extraction
  • automated processing of large volumes of data using macros
  • interfacing with video tracking systems, statistics and presentation software
  • track analysis beyond video cameras using GPS-receivers

Of special interest to people who are already using a video tracking system to analyze their behavioral experiments, but who need more power and flexibility for quantitative analysis and want to improve the visualization of the recorded data.

Lecture and practical demonstration followed by questions and answers session.

Instructor resume
David P. Wolfer, MD has been using genetic mouse models for 15 years to investigate the neural mechanisms of learning. He is vice-chair of the Division of Neuroanatomy and Behavior at the Institute of Anatomy, University of Zurich, and author of the public domain track analysis software Wintrack). He has been involved as instructor and organizer in several international courses on behavioral phenotyping of mice (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, European Molecular Biology Organization).

Sign up
To sign up for this tutorial, please send an email to David Wolfer. Feel free to ask questions in advance, thus allowing the instructor to tailor the content of the tutorial to the interest of the participants.

Last updated: 4 July 2002