
Noldus Information Technology bv

Aim of the meeting
In this session, users of EthoVision came together to learn about the latest product developments, exchange experiences with other users, and discuss future development, desired product features, etc.


  1. EthoVision: new software features and hardware developments in version 3.0 (by Ruud Tegelenbosch, Andrew Spink, Ronald van Houdt).
  2. Case studies presented by users of EthoVision, coming from different research disciplines. Subjects can be the type of research or tests users are automating with EthoVision, problems that are being faced, and solutions that have been found. Confirmed speakers include:
    • Johan Johansson (University of Göteborg, Sweden): Measuring social interactions in color-marked rats, adapted to a reversed daylight cycle: ultraviolet lighting and fluorescent markers help avoid problems with color distinction in dim light.
    • Bill Budenberg (Tracksys Ltd, Nottingham, UK): Tracking transgenic mice with different fur colors is possible with a new robust technique: the IR-translucent maze and open field.
  3. Presentation and discussion about possible directions for new developments considered for EthoVision (e.g. integration with physiological measurements or possibilities to follow group-housed animals).

Prior to the meeting participants can indicate which of these subjects are of most interest to them. Additionally there will be the possibility to add subjects to this list, for example about features that are not yet supported in EthoVision.

Ruud Tegelenbosch, Noldus Information Technology bv, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Last updated: 1 December 2002