
PatternVision Ltd & Noldus Information Technology bv

Theme is a software tool that searches for hidden repeated temporal patterns in behavior and interactions. It considers both the order and the time distances between behavioral event types as well as hierarchical organization, as more complex patterns are composed of simpler ones of the same structural type. The software behaves as an 'evolution program': it detects complex patterns gradually as combinations of simpler ones and deals with combinatorial explosions through competition between patterns such that only the most complete patterns are retained (survive) while partial detections are discarded. Theme can detect complex repeated patterns that are hidden to observers and very hard or impossible to detect with other available methods. The software includes various tools for the filtering and analysis of detected patterns on the basis of their frequency, complexity, structure, actor identity and behavioral content. Theme has been used extensively in studies of human communication, spoken dialogue, gestures, protocol analysis, etc. Other potential applications are in behavioral phenotyping of transgenic animals, analysis of drug effects on behavior, human-system interaction and navigation patterns in complex user interfaces or web sites.

PatternVision and Noldus Information Technology recently signed an exclusive development and distribution agreement, which will guarantee the continued development and worldwide support of Theme.

Aim of the meeting
In this session, new and current users of Theme learned about the latest product developments, exchange experience with other users, and discuss future developments, desired product features, etc.


  1. Product demonstration. Presentation of the latest Theme release and new developments.
  2. Examples of applications. Case studies presented by users from different disciplines including Predicting suicide risk from patients' and therapist's facial expressions (V. Haynal, Geneva, Switzerland); . Discussion of new application areas.
  3. Interfacing with The Observer. Demonstration of how to convert and analyze data files from The Observer with Theme.
  4. Product roadmap. Presentation and discussion of product strategy and possible directions for future developments.


  • Gudberg Jonsson, PatternVision Ltd and Human Behavior Laboratory, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • Janet van Vreeswijk, Noldus Information Technology bv, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Last updated: 1 December 2002