Welcome to Measuring Behavior 2002!


Welcome to Measuring Behavior 2002, the 4th biennial conference on methods and techniques in behavioral research, which this year takes place in Amsterdam at the Vrije Universiteit. The disciplines that will meet are more varied than ever, but as in previous years, the conference will focus on the common issues of observing, recording, analyzing and interpreting behavioral data.

Among others, the techniques described will include: the miniaturization of sensors, to make observation and registration less obtrusive; advanced statistical modelling of behavioral patterns; interpretation of complex phenomena, such as interactions between several organisms; and new approaches towards what is ‘inside’ an organism or a system showing observable behavior.

Diverse sciences will be able to learn from each other, and will probably discover that they have more in common at the level of ‘measurement’ than one would expect by simply comparing the core concepts in the various disciplines. In particular, approaches used in one domain may be found to hold promise and prompt innovations for creative solutions in other areas.

The conference program is especially strong in the topics grouped together as symposia, tutorials and special interest groups. Exhibitions, user meetings, training sessions, poster sessions and lab visits will allow in depth contact with colleagues, providers of techniques and tools, and the latest ideas for improvement. Plus, you will have plenty of opportunity to explore Amsterdam with your colleagues. Please make yourself at home in our international culture.

The Vrije Universiteit is very happy to be hosting this conference, and a variety of departments have actively participated in organizing the scientific program. Come and visit them: the Departments of Developmental Neurobiology, Biological Psychology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Kinesiology, and Information Management & Software Engineering. You can also meet the other organizers: the Department of Psychological Methods, and the Institute for Biodiversity & Ecosystem Dynamics, both of the University of Amsterdam; the National Aerospace Laboratory, Amsterdam; and Noldus Information Technology bv, Wageningen.

On behalf of the Scientific Program Committee, the Local Organizing Committee and our International Advisory Board, I welcome you to Measuring Behavior 2002 and wish you a very pleasant stay in Amsterdam.


Gerrit C. van der Veer

Program Chair