The DNA of emotions – measuring affect with Plutchik’s model in computer mediated communication

L. Laufer1, G. Tatai2, B. Nemeth3 and J. Loke4

1Budapest University of Technology, Budapest, Hungary
University College London, London, UK
AITIA Inc., Budapest, Hungary
4Semmelweis University of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary

We adapted Robert Plutchik’s model of emotions to Internet chat, and chatter-robot systems. We created an emotional chat application in witch the two conversational partners had to label their sentences with Plutchik’s 24 basic emotions. Each partner saw the emotional label her partner assigned to her message. We examined the distribution of basic emotions in the dialogue logs and how the emotional load of the sentences changed during the conversation. In the paper we try to approach empathy as altering one’s emotion in response to the partner’s change of her label. We designed a visualization software to display personal emotion changes in Plutchik’s 3 dimensional cone model as a function of time. This way we can follow the trajectory of the emotional state of the person as the current active emotion is moving on the surface of the cone during the discussion. We also developed another software based on Plutchik’s circumplex model, which displays the two conversational partners’ emotions on a series of circles placed one above the other as they followed each other in the discourse. This way the emotional loads of the sentences resemble a double chain of a DNA molecule, where the two sides are the two dialogue partners, and the distance between two consecutive points is the distance between the two partner’s consecutive sentences in the discussion. With the help of these tools we can visualize the changes of emotional load in a discussion, and calculate several statistical parameters which can describe empathy in the discussion. We also used these tools to build an expression-emotion database, which we used up to identify the emotional load of user sentences in human computer interactions with our chatter-robot system.

Paper presented at Measuring Behavior 2005 , 5th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, 30 August - 2 September 2005, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

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