2. Behavioral phenotyping of rodents

P2.1 Montserrat Belles ("Rovira i Virgili" University, Reus Spain). Combined action of uranium and stress in the rat. Behavioral effects.
P2.2 Henna Iivonen (University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland). Individual differences in fear-related reactivity in transgenic mice carrying APP and PS1 mutation - random variable, hearing impairment or a personality trait?
P2.3 Lynda LaBounty (Macalester College, Saint Paul, MN, USA). A system for administering and measuring responses to ethanol in rats.
P2.4 Mojmir Mach (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia). Behavioral phenotyping of oxytocin deficient mice exposed to acute shaker stress.
P2.6 Mohammad Sharifzadeh (Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran). Post-training intrahippocampal infusion of nicotine prevented spatial memory retention deficits by the Cyclooxygenase-2-specific inhibitor celecoxib in rats.
P2.7 Viktor Veliks (Department of Human and Animals Physiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia). Measurement of locomotor activity asymmetry in rats.
P2.8 Svetlana Wittnerova (Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic). Allothetic and idiothetic navigation in triangular pool and in three different sizes of circular pool.
P2.9 Mumna Al Banchaabouchi (EMBL-Mouse Biology Unit, Phenotyping Core Facility, Monterotondo, Italy). Strain differences in the holeboard and fear conditioning tasks.

Last updated: 24 October 2005