3. New animal models and test paradigms

P3.1 Ruud Van den Bos (Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands). Towards a rodent model of the Iowa Gambling Task in humans.
P3.2 Karen Caeyenbergs (K.U.Leuven, Leuven, Belgium). Behavioral defects in lysosomal alfa-mannosidase deficient mice.
P3.3 Sabine Chourbaji (University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany). The significance of multiple stressors in prehistory for the specificity in the learned helplessness model of depression in mice.
P3.4 Jason Drott (NeuroDetective International, Inc., Quakertown, PA, USA). A new behavior test for distinguishing spatial learning deficits from complex learning deficits in aged-rodents.
P3.5 Catherine Jacquot (St George's Hospital Medical School, London, UK). Of the Object Recognition in mice and the importance of the Object characteristics.
P3.6 Catherine Jacquot (St George's Hospital Medical School, London, UK). The Object Location memory task: a test not suitable for use in mice?
P3.7 Francien De Jonge (Veterinary Faculty, Utrecht, The Netherlands). Species differences in preference to work for food rewards delivered with predictable or unpredictable delays.
P3.8 Alexander Klein (University Hospital Freiburg - Neurocentre, Freiburg, Germany). Motor-training-specific improvement of morphological and functional integration of dopaminergic intrastriatal grafts in the 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson's disease.
P3.9 Bengt Meyerson (University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden). The Concentric Square Field: a multivariate test arena for ethoexperimental analysis of explorative strategies.
P3.10 Erika Roman (University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden).The Concentric Square Field Test for monitoring behavioral profiles in AA and ANA rats.
P3.11 Annetrude De Mooij - Van Malsen (Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, Utrecht, The Netherlands). A refined behavioural analysis for the genetic dissection of food exploration strategies in mice.
P3.12 Larissa Rizhova (Pavlov Institute of Physiology of Russian Academy of Sciences, St.-Petersburg, Russia). A complex assessment of animal behavior in a learning paradigm.
P3.13 Carles Sanchis - Segura (Central Institute for Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany). A new approach to study preference: Applying Hernstein's matching law in a two bottles paradigm.
P3.14 Ales Stuchlik (Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic). The application of Active Allothetic Place Avoidance (AAPA) task in the study of cognitive deficit and hyperlocomotion following MK-801 administration in rats.
P3.15 Sanneke Van Vliet (TNO-Defense, Rijswijk, The Netherlands). Human threat test: a method to test anxiety-related behavior in a marmoset monkey.

Last updated: 24 October 2005