6. Innovation in observational data collection

P6.1 Fabio Apicella (University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy). Scale for the assessment of infant developmental competencies. A new instrument for early screening in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
P6.2 Usha Dhingra (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA). Association of Social Referencing with Developmental Scores of Preschool Children.
P6.3 Olivier Courteille (with demonstration) (LIME, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden). Engaged students and increased performance.
P6.5 Emma Heslop (University of Durham, Durham, UK). Bedding-in and rooming-in on the postnatal ward: breastfeeding initiation.
P6.6 John Karn (University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK). Using Ethnographic Methods to Carry Out Human Factors Research in Software Engineering.
P6.7 Franziska Kuhne (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany). Continuous 24-hour measurements of behavior differences in Arabian Horses.
P6.8 Dennis Reidsma (with demonstration) (University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands). Building efficient, focused annotation tools for large scale annotation efforts: a demonstration of three new tools.
P6.9 Joan Rogers (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA). Observational Assessment of Independent Living Skills.
P6.10 Gurjit Singh (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada). Observational outcome measures to evaluate assistive technology use by people with dementia.
P6.11 Annika Smit (Thales Research & Technology, Delft, The Netherlands). Measuring vigilance level in demanding work setting
P6.12 Alfredo Raglio (presented by Daniela Traficante) (Catholic University of Milan, Milan, Italy). Observing processes reflected in and through music: a coding scheme to monitor music therapy.
P6.13 Archana Sarkar (with demonstration) (Annamalai University, New Delhi, India). Use of BASIS installed in palm device for observation of child's interaction with physical and social environment.
P6.14 Mihaela Williams (Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany). Analysis of driver behavior at crossroads in urban area.
P6.15 Mihaela Williams (Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany). An observation and rating scheme for driving situations.
P6.17 Yong-Kyu Kim (University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA). Testing for Mate Preference and Mate Choice in Drosophila pseudoobscura.
P6.18 Gerardo Ortiz (Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, México). Influence of breeding practices on 6- and 12- month-old infants' attentional behavioural repertoire.
P6.19 Gerardo Ortiz (Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, México). Visitors as stimuli for the expression and distribution of behavioral patterns in captive vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus): A pilot study.
P6.20 Marjan Jongsma (TNO Defence, Security and Safety, Rijswijk, The Netherlands). An isolation protocol for testing anti-depressants and anxiolytics in the marmoset monkey.
P6.21 Willow Wetherall (University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA). Measuring nighttime parenting behavior of first-time adolescent and adult mothers.

Last updated: 24 October 2005