Behavior mediated by odours: challenges and solutions to elucidate the function, mechanisms and chemicals behind olfactory responses


Ted Turlings

(Institute of Zoology, University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland)

Studies on behavior mediated by olfaction have three main challenges. On the one hand, there is the need to understand the particulars and function of the behavior itself, then there is the elucidation of the mechanisms that allow the neuro-physiological perception and processing of odour information, and finally there is the challenge of isolating and identifying the chemical substances that trigger the behaviour. Each of these challenges have benefited from recent research developments and novel techniques that facilitate these studies. We propose to organize a symposium that addresses these latest developments in a multi-disciplinary setting. The symposium will bring together scientists that work on totally different organisms, but address comparable questions in their research. The principal objective will be to introduce scientists to methodologies used in, for them, new research fields, exchange information between these fields, and thus generate new ideas on how to tackle their respective research questions.

  • Ted Turlings (University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland). Introduction.

Last updated: 19 October 2005