Creating an Observer 5 configuration and using it to perform optimal statistical analysis

Tiffany Mayton

(Noldus Information Technology Inc., US Technical Support, Tacoma WA, USA)


You will learn how to set up a configuration that meets the needs of your research. A project based on each recording method supported by The Observer 5 will be discussed. You will learn how the choice of behavioral element (state vs. event) will affect data analysis, and how to properly score state behaviors. Real datasets will be used to illustrate the questions about data analysis most commonly asked from Noldus technical support. An important example is the use of intervals: for instance, how to configure a data profile to answer the question: How often does behavior B happens within 10 seconds after an occurrence of behavior A?


Participants will be introduced to

  • making a configuration in The Observer for various types of projects and research questions.
  • turning off states in the Observation module
  • general overview of analysis (making a Data Profile and an Analysis Profile, then running the analysis to get a Result, which can then be exported to other programs.
  • creating intervals in the Data Profile
  • grouping or lumping observations for analysis
  • grouping or lumping subjects, behaviors and modifiers for analysis

Of interest to anyone wishing to get the most out of their observational data. Familiarity with the basic functioning of The Observer is assumed.


Lecture and practical demonstration using real-life examples followed by question and answer session.

Instructor's resume

Tiffany Mayton received a Bachelor's degree in Zoology with a focus on Animal Behavior as well as ecology and evolution. She worked at Noldus international headquarters for almost 5 years as a Senior Documentation Specialist and project leader of The Observer documentation. Currently she is a Product Specialist in the US doing Technical Support for the Americas.

Last updated: 20 October 2005