Using eye-tracking to study behavior

Robert Stevens and Anne Jansen

(Bunnyfoot, Oxford, UK and Tobii Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)


Modern eye-tracking solutions provide easy to use and effective tools which can be used in parallel to compliment traditional behavioral research. They offer insights previously unavailable to researchers and allow us to develop new approaches and methodologies. With eye-tracking one can answer more questions, answer them with greater depth and conviction, and develop deliverables that clearly illustrate these results.

During this tutorial you will get an overview of possibilities to use eye-tracking in various kinds of behavioral research, ranging from usability testing and advertising studies to developmental psychology in infants.


Depending on demand, the tutorial will cover the following topics:

  • Basics about the use of eye tracking equipment and eye-tracking study paradigms.
  • Techniques, examples and benefits of using eye tracking in usability/advertising testing, including the 'Post Experience Eyetracked Protocol' methodology (PEEP).
  • Techniques, examples and benefits of using eye tracking in psychology and other behavioral research.

This tutorial is appropriate for researchers, practitioners and students. Participants should be familiar with behavioral research methodology. No prior knowledge of eye movement or eye-tracking is expected.


PowerPoint presentation, eye tracker demonstration and discussion.

Instructor's resume

Robert Stevens is Managing Director at Bunnyfoot media testing firm in the UK, with several years experience in commercial and academic use of eye-tracking.
Anne Jansen is Account Manager at Tobii Technology, with a background in Human-Technology Interaction.

Last updated: 20 October 2005