Information for presenters

Oral presentations
Oral presentations are grouped in Free paper sessions, Symposia, Special Interest groups, and some user meetings. The durations of the talks is 20 minutes per talk, including discussion (Some exceptions were made for symposia, see program per session.) It is advised that authors reserve approximately 5 minutes for discussion and questions from the audience.
The conference organization will provide each presentation rooms with a laptop and a beamer. Presenters should bring their presentation on a CD or USB stick. Please prepare your presentation by trying if it works on the computer during the last break time before your presentation.

Preparation for presenters
Before each session starts, all presentations should be checked and ready to go on the computer in the room of your presentation. You should do this during the break before your presentation, the session chair or a student technical assistant will be there to help you with this. Check here to find when you should prepare your presentation.

Poster presentations
All posters will be displayed in the Lobby (level 0). To find the number of your poster, take a look here or check on-site at the Registration Desk.

Posters can be mounted on Tuesday, August 26 from 12.00 hours and on Wednesday, August 27 from 8.00 till 11.00 hours. Poster size should be about A0 or 100 x 150 cm in portrait, to fit the poster boards. Thumbtacks are available at the Registration Desk.

Presentation and poster viewing
In principle, posters stay on display throughout the conference, so poster viewing is possible until Friday, August 29.
Presentation of the posters is divided into two sessions:

Session 1: Wednesday, August 27, 13:00-14:30 hours
Session 2: Thursday, August 28, 12:30-14:00 hours

Both sessions overlap with the lunch break. During the session in which the poster is presented, the presenter is requested to remain at his poster as much a possible.

Although not required, it is suggested to make one-page handouts with the essence of the poster for those who are interested. It is often difficult to visit every poster, and providing a handout can maximize the audience for a poster and facilitate information exchange about it.

Demonstration Showcase
A Demonstration Showcase gives scientists who have developed a prototype of a measuring device or a beta version of new software (relevant to the theme of the conference) a chance to demonstrate their work.

Demonstration Showcases are held during the poster sessions. They can be combined with a poster presentation, or presented separately in an adjacent room. The conference organization will provide one table and one outlet for electricity (230V or 50 Hz, no extension cords or adapters provided). If you wish to combine your poster presentation with a Demonstration Showcase, please inform the conference organization in advance.

The official language of the conference is English.

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