Measuring human behavior

Poster presentations and demonstrations
Thursday, August 29, 14:00-17:30


N.D. Volodarskaya, (Kiev, Ukraine). Communicative problems of orphaned children and tutors in situations of frustration.


A.K. Kopatz, W. Henke, K. Grammer (Mayence, Germany). Body language and mate choice: an empirical ethological study.

10.3. A. James, N.M.P. Jones, C. Hollely (Swansea, U.K.). Reliability of selected performance analysis systems in football and rugby.
10.4. C.M. Toris, (Charleston, SC, U.S.A.). Bootstrapping observational research techniques and technology into the undergraduate psychology curriculum.
10.5 H.E. Eide, A. Finset (Oslo, Norway). Measuring physician-patient communication using The Observer and sequential analysis.


S.G. Chinnici, (Milan, Italy). Non-verbal communication of emotions: analysis of behavioral patterns in children.
10.7 K. Sakaguchi, T. Hasegawa, G.K. Jonsson (Tokyo, Japan). Movement synchrony at the beginning of interactions between mixed-sex couples: male initiation, depending on female risk perception.
10.8 F.B.A. Naber, S.H.N. Willemsen-Swinkels, J.K. Buitelaar and H. van Engeland (Utrecht, The Netherlands). Play behavior and disorganised attachement in children suspected of having psychiatric disorders.