Social Events

Meet colleagues at informal gatherings



In addition to the scientific program, the conference offered the opportunity to meet colleagues at various informal occasions.

Welcome Reception

The meeting started with an informal welcome reception at City Hall. The welcome reception was hosted by the city of Amsterdam.

Program Chair, G.C. van der Veer, welcomed you to the 4th biennial conference on methods and techniques in behavioral research.

Dinner on the canals of Amsterdam

The canals of Amsterdam The canals of Amsterdam Waterways, shaded by leafy green, reflect five centuries of architectural glory. To this very day a walk through the narrow streets of Amsterdam gives the walker glimpses between buildings that have inspired generations of artists. However, the delegates of Measuring Behavior 2002 enjoyed a better way of discovering the magnificent narrow streets, namely a cruise along the canals. The organization organized a special buffet dinner while observing Amsterdam from the water.

Dinner in Artis Zoo

Party time in Artis Zoo! Party time in Artis Zoo! The organization welcomed the delegates to "Artis Natura Magistra", our capital's famous zoological garden. Artis Zoo was founded nearly 160 years ago but has, of course, changed considerably since then. However, the winding paths, majestic trees and the monumental historical buildings still give Artis a special, 19th century atmosphere. There are more than 8000 animals in the zoo, as well as two museums, the Zoological Museum and the Geological Museum, a very sophisticated Planetarium and a magnificent, recently renewed Aquarium. Delegates visited the zoo and enjoyed a buffet dinner in a wonderful scenery.

Farewell Drinks

After the final session of Measuring Behavior 2002 it was time to say goodbye again. It was also a good moment to evaluate the conference with all delegates during the farewell drinks.

Last updated: 8 January 2003