Workplace for Analysis of Task performance: towards a more realistic environment for experimental research on task performance
J. Bos and L.J.M. Mulder
Institute of Experimental and Work Psychology, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
In the current research field on task performance, a gap exists between laboratory approached research and task performance work conducted in a real life environment [1]. One of the factors for this, is that many of the real life tasks are conducted within a multiple-user environment.
The project "Workplace for Analysis of Task performance" (in short "Digital Workplace") has been started as an approach to fill in this gap. The main goal is to develop a research laboratory in which multiple-user task performance research can be conducted without giving away the stability and reliability of laboratory task performance research. The laboratory is implemented on a PC platform. A prototype will be demonstrated during the conference.
Poster presented at Measuring Behavior '98, 2nd International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, 18-21 August 1998, Groningen, The Netherlands
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