Influence of CM-46 on the behavior of rats in the open field

P.M. Mazurkiewicz1, A. Baran1, R. Czabak-Garbacz1 and I.I. Kozlovsky2

1 Department of Human Physiology, University Medical School, Lublin, Poland
2 Institute of Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia


In our experiments we used the new anxiolytic belonging to the merkaptobenzimodazol group (synthetized under the supervision of prof. S.B. Seredenin in the Institute of Pharmacology of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) which does not possess side effects typical of benzodiazepin. We investigated the effect of CM-46 administered intraperitoneally to white male Wistar rats at the dose of 5 mg/kg of body weight diluted in 0.2 ml distilled water in "unescapable" stress situation (open field consisting of 25 squares 0.2 x 0.2 m). The observation was held for three minutes during three days: 24 hours before, 30 minutes after and 24 hours after CM-46 administration. We measured motor activity: vertical and horizontal (the number of squares passed in the central area and peripheral zone, the number of passes across the central area); time of freezing, grooming and orientation - searching activity (scenting the air in the corners of the open field). In comparison to control groups (1. without any treatment and 2. which received intraperitoneally 0.2 ml of distilled water), CM-46, 30 minutes after its administration shortened the time of the orientation - searching activity (p<0.05). CM-46 at the dose of 5mg/kg did not change in a significant way the motor activity of Wistar rats in the open field test, however it decreased the orientation - searching activity.

Poster presented at Measuring Behavior '98, 2nd International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, 18-21 August 1998, Groningen, The Netherlands

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