Analysis of Behavioral Observation Data
Oral presentations
Friday, August 18, 13:30-16:30, Small Auditorium
Chair: V. Quera (Barcelona, Spain)
Y. Benjamini (Tel
Aviv, Israel). Robustness issues
in automated statistical analysis of behavior.
M.S. Magnusson
(Reykjavik, Iceland). Modeling complex
real-time behavioral streams as optimized sub-sets of mutually exclusive
and nested t-patterns.
S.H.N. Willemsen-Swinkels,
M.J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, J.K. Buitelaar, M.H. Van IJzendoorn and H.
Van Engeland (Utrecht, The Netherlands). Temporal
patterns in children with a disorganized/disoriented attachment.
G.K. Jonsson (Reykjavik,
Iceland). Detection of real-time
interaction patterns in football.
Coffee break
D.K. Oller and
S.Nathani (Orono, ME, U.S.A.). Hierarchical
coding of vocalization: computer-based training and reliability.
B. Thomann (Zürich,
Switzerland). Assessing agreement
among markings of behavioral events.
J.P. Yoder, P.
Bruce and J. Tapp (Nashville, TN, U.S.A.). Comparing
sequential associations within a single case.
Poster presentations
and demonstrations
Thursday, August 17, 14:00-17:30
10.1. |
J. Novakova, J.
Vinklerova, A. Sulcova, P. Panek, J. Gajdosik (Brno, Czech Republic).
Mouse agonistic behavior data collected
with The Observer statistically analyzed with a subsidiary program differentiating
three mouse categories: aggressive, timid and sociable individuals.
10.2. |
A.V. Kalueff (Kiev,
Ukraine). Measuring grooming in stress
and comfort.
10.3. |
C. Bizeray, C.
Leterrier and J.M. Faure (Nouzilly, France). Using
a classification of activity bouts to simplify observation in meat-type
10.4. |
J.E. Kent, V. Molony
and I. McKendrick (Roslin, Scotland). Use of principal component analysis
and discriminant analysis to simplify the assessment of pain.
10.5. |
G.K. Jonsson (Reykjavik,
Iceland). Relation between self-esteem,
personality dimensions of extraversion and emotionality and real-time
patterning of social interaction.
10.6. |
M.S. Magnusson
(Reykjavik, Iceland). Diagnostic
possibilities of behavioral time structure analysis: discovering group
differences through statistical analysis of detected t-patterns.
10.7. |
V. Quera and
R. Bakeman (Barcelona, Spain). GSEQ
for Windows: New software for the sequential analysis of behavioral data,
with an interface to The Observer.