Measuring Behavior 2002
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Methods and
Techniques in Behavioral Research Amsterdam, The Netherlands
27-30 August 2002
After successful meetings in Utrecht (1996),
Groningen (1998) and Nijmegen (2000),
the 4th Measuring Behavior conference was held at the Vrije
Universiteit in Amsterdam, 27-30 August 2002. Program Chair G.C
van der Veer, started with a warm welcome to everyone at Measuring Behavior
2002. The conference was a great success. Over 325 delegates from 37
countries enjoyed four intensive days, with 150 presentations
in 10 symposia, 12 tutorials,
4 special interest groups, 5 user
meetings and 9 scientific tours! Besides
that, delegates took part in technical training
and visited the demonstrations presented by 15 exhibiting
companies. And last but not least, the great weather made the social
events even more enjoyable.
If you want to taste the atmosphere during and after the meeting, take a look
at the photo gallery!
| Conference
Behavior 2002 was held at the campus of the Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam. With numerous departments related to the interdisciplinary
theme of the conference, including biology, psychology, social sciences, pharmacology
and an academic teaching hospital, the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam was an excellent
venue for our conference. | More
on one of the links below for more information about the conference:
- The
Measuring Behavior Conferences - Measuring Behavior 2002 was
the fourth in a series. Read about the background and the concept behind the conferences.
- Published
Conference Papers - A selection of papers from the conference has been published
as a special issue of the journal Behavior Research Methods, Instruments &
Computers. Click here to review the contents and to order your personal copy.
- Conference
Program at a Glance - An overview of all conference activities, organized
by day.
- Presentations:
Index by Topic - An overview of all oral presentations, posters and demonstrations,
grouped by topic category, with links to the abstracts.
- Presentations:
Index by Author - An overview of all oral presentations, posters and demonstrations,
ordered alphabetically by first author, with links to the abstracts.
- Scientific
Tours - Seven behavioral research laboratories in and around the University
of Nijmegen offered guided tours to conference delegates.
- Technical
Training - Technical training and assistance in the use of software and instrumentation
for behavioral research is one of the key elements of a Measuring Behavior
- Exhibition
- Fiftheen companies participated in an exhibition of instruments and software.
- User
Meetings - These sessions were organized by manufacturers of software and
instrumentation for behavioral and physiological research. The program included
presentations about new developments, demonstrations of new products and a panel
- Special
Interest Group - The place to be for in-depth discussions on specific methodological
or technical topics.
- Tutorials
- New this year were
the tutorials (short courses taught by expert instructors). They provided a valuable
opportunity for participants to learn about specific techniques, methods and tools
for behavioral research.
- Social
Program - The program included various informal occasions where one met coleagues
while enjoying haute cuisine!
- Conference
Venue - Information about the conference site, the Vrije Universiteit and
the city of Amsterdam.
- Conference
Organization - Program Committee, Local Organizing Committee and Advisory
- Quotes
from Delegates - Read what participants had to say about the meeting.
- Photo
Gallery - The Measuring Behavior 2002 Photo Gallery gives you an impression
of the atmosphere during the conference. Have a look!
printed Program & Proceedings books (2 volumes, 377 pp.) are available at a price
of EUR 25 (shipping costs not included). To order a set, send an e-mail to the
Congress Secretariat. We can only accept
payment by credit card.
Behavior 2002 gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the following
sponsors: | | Department
of Information Management and Software Engineering, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands | | City
of Amsterdam | 

| Dutch
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation Oriented Programme Man Machine
Interaction (IOP MMI) Innovation Oriented Programme Genomics (IOP Genomics)
Innovation Oriented Programme Image Processing (IOP Beeldverwerking) |
of previous conferences