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Measuring Behavior 2010 will be an ideal opportunity to show your products and services to a group of dedicated researchers and scientists.

The following companies will present themselves at Measuring Behavior 2010:

Noldus Information Technology is a leading developer of software and integrated solutions for animal and human behavior research. With over 5000 satisfied customers worldwide, Noldus creates products for application areas such as neuroscience, psychology, ergonomics, zoology, Human Factors, and entomology. Their solutions are designed to enhance the quality and quantity of data and to make optimal use of human and animal resources.

Noldus keeps a close eye on developments in the scientific community and contributes to these developments by participating in many international research projects each year. All so that they can create products that meet tomorrow’s research needs today.

NewBehavior produces and markets state-of-the art technology for automated measuring and shaping of animal behavior, including miniaturized neurophysiological data loggers for cable- and transmitter-free assessment of EEG activity in freely moving animals.

Our unique products are IntelliCage for automated assessment of home-cage learning activity and NeuroLogger for recording brain activity in a variety of laboratory species and even on freely flying birds. We do not only provide technology but also profound know-how in behavioral experimental design and automated data analysis.

UGO BASILE is one of the world leading manufacturers of instruments for physiological & pharmacological research, whose design and production team is in close contact with the latest developments in biological research and can draw on a wide variety of expertise.

Med Associates Inc. is the leading manufacturer, software developer, and supplier of products for behavioral psychology, pharmacology, neuroscience, and related research and teaching areas.

Our product lines include operant conditioning chambers and accessories for rats, mice, pigeons, and non-human primates, Med-PC® software for behavioral experimentation control, sound attenuation cubicles, video tracking systems, Rota Rod treadmills, open field activity arenas, conditioned place preference apparatus, and many other software and hardware solutions. Some of our new products include Video Freeze for conditioned immobility and fear conditioning, Morris Water Maze, and wireless running wheels for circadian rhythm analysis.

Studiocode is a global solution that has revolutionised the way people look at video analysis and distribution. Easy to use, Studiocode captures, codes, analyzes your digital video. This system is also a video library management tool, with searching tools, transcription, and more. Very flexible, Studiocode can easily answer your requirements and adapt to very different tyipes of video analysis.

Mind Media is regarding technology the worldwide leading company for wireless physiological monitoring and biofeedback systems, which are used worldwide for research (neurophysiology, psychophysiology and neuropsychology), clinical and training applications.

Our NeXus systems are certified to medical class IIa, CE and used by professionals in universities, clinics, hospitals and research centers for a wide range of applications where high precision physiological signals and flexible sensor configurations are required.

As well as our hardware and software we pride ourselves on our top quality support and service; demonstrations, installations, trainings, workshops and seminars. We're happy to provide you with detailed and tailored information.

We focus on feed intake and activity monitoring in home cage environment solutions and provide complete solutions, hygienic and easy to use with integrated software, providing online data acquisition and recording in database,seamlessly connecting the laboratory with the researchers desk.

For over 25 years Photron has been a manufacturer and designer of digital high-speed imaging cameras for scientific research and industrial applications. Products that offer unparalleled frame rate, resolution, light sensitivity and dynamic range are widely utilised to study applications including the natural world and bio-mechanics. The Fastcam SA3 offers 1024 x 1024 pixels @ 2,000fps and is ideally suited to operation in the field with HiG construction, DC power and optional remote keypad operation. The Fastcam SA5 is our highest specification product and offers mega-pixel resolution at 7,500fps and a maximum frame rate of 1 million images per second.



Nesplora is a technology company formed by a multidisciplinary team of highly-qualified neuroscientists and technicians. We design and develop innovative solutions for behavioural study and modification. Our products help researchers and clinicians to measuring human behaviour and use the objective recorded data for assessment, treatment or prevention in neuroscience.

Our clients include universities, health systems, clinics, research centres and end-customers.


BIOPAC develops, manufactures, and supports data acquisition and analysis systems for life science research and education, including wireless Ethernet and USB analog to digital converters, high-speed acquisition solutions, amplifiers, telemetry, logging, transducers, electrodes and accessories. AcqKnowledge software includes scoring and automation routines. BIOPAC is used in thousands of labs worldwide.



Metris is a trendsetter in the field of Animal Behavior, Ultrasonic Vocalisations and Sleep Research.  Our products are used by scientists and researchers in over 23 countries around the world.

  • LABORAS is a powerful system that fully automates behavior scoring of small laboratory animals. It tracks position and detects more than 15 behaviors. Doesn’t use video or infra-red beams!
  • SONOTRACK is the best full spectrum ultrasound recording, analysis and playback system on the market. Fully automatic ultrasound vocalization (call) counting and analysis from 15 kHz to 125 kHz!
  • SLEEPSIGN is advanced software widely used in sleep analysis, neurology and pharmaceutical research!



Smart Eye is a Swedish company that develops, manufactures and markets the most innovative solutions in Eye Tracking including Smart Eye Pro and Antisleep solutions.


Tobii is a Swedish eye tracking manufacturer. We are a leading company in offering powerful and unobtrusive instruments to understand human behaviour. Our products are widely used in scientific research, where we offer ‘real’ remote systems for (developmental) psychology, cognitive research, user-centred design, HCI, linguistics etc.

We are a partner of PST and we offer an official E-prime-Tobii integration, together with training and documentation. Interested in our new Tobii Glasses for your research? Visit our booth!

DSI offers a wide variety of physiological monitoring solutions for CNS, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Applications involving acute or chronic studies.  Products include implantable and external telemetry transmitters and hardwired amplifiers coupled with data collection and analysis systems; automated and manual scoring fo sleep stages and quantification of seizure events via DSI NeuroScore software: synchronized video and behavioral data.  

DSI sells and supports the iPRECIO implantable and programmable pump for unstressed drug dosing along with stress free monitoring. 

DSI has Sales Offices in Europe, USA, and Asia to provide local support and product expertise.

A leading manufacturer for eye tracking and pupillometry solutions in scientific research, industry and medicine:

  • Ultra high speed / high precision systems for occulometry, neurophysiology, neuropsychology, medical diagnostics etc.
  • Contact free high-speed remote systems in developmental psychology, cognitive research, linguistics etc.
  • Fully integrated and contact free systems for usability, market research, visual perception etc.
  • Mobile systems for human centered studies in visual attention, interaction design, world perception in life and virtual scenes, man-machine interaction etc.
  • Special solutions for cognitive and visual perception research in brain imaging environment e.g. MRI, MEG
  • Open communication solutions with interfaces to observational software, EEG/ERP etc.