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Workshops are interactive discussions about specific aspects of measuring techniques. Examples could be a discussion of requirements of a new feature of a program like a software event recorder with a group of users, discussion between manufacturers of data acquisition equipment to agree on a data exchange format, or discussion between usability testers and people measuring consumer behavior to see what can be learnt from each other's methodology.

Workshops are a forum where the multidisciplinary nature of Measuring Behavior can give a big advantage. Participants are normally asked to prepare and submit material in advance for the workshop and numbers can be limited to enable good interactive discussion.


The following workshops are held during the conference:

Measuring (Ambient) Persuasive Technologies
Organized by: Wolfgang Reitberger, Alexander Meschtscherjakov and Manfred Tscheligi (University of Salzburg, Austria), Boris de Ruyter (Philips Research Europe, The Netherlands) and Jaap Ham (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Wildlife Surveillance Using GPS:  From Movement Tracking to Behavior Recognition
Organized by: Herbert Prins and Arnold Bregt (Wageningen University), Andrea Kölzsch (Netherlands Institute of Ecology), Tamme van der Wal (AeroVision), and Lucas Noldus (Noldus Information Technology) [Presentation]

Measuring Consumer Behavior
Organized by René de Wijk and Jos Mojet (Wageningen UR)

Innovation in Movement Behaviour Analysis
Organized by: Monica Wachowicz and Arend Ligtenberg (Wageningen University), Stefan van der Spek (Delft University of Technology), and Bettina Speckman (Eindhoven University of Technology) [Presentation]

Measuring Behavior in Forensic Research and Prevention of Crime
Organized by: Hans Arnold (Netherlands Forensic Institute) [Presentation]

A Recipe for Measuring Behavior in Autism Research
Organized by: Jan Gillesen and Emilia Barakova (Eindhoven University of Technology), Marc Swerts (Tilburg University), and Juliane Cuperus (Sint Marie Eindhoven) [Presentation]

Event Recognition for Behavior Measurement, Intelligent Resource Management, and Beyond

Organized by: Jobst Löffler (Fraunhofer IAIS), Ben Loke (Noldus Information Technology), and Jens Pottebaum (University of Paderborn) [Presentation]

Teaching a Course on Measuring Behaviour
Organized by: Richard Brown and Timothy O'Leary (Dalhousie University)