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Unveiling Affective Signals
Date: Friday, August 27
Time: 10:00-15:40
Location: Lorentz-Zeeman
Chairs: Egon L. van den Broek. (University of Twente / Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, The Netherlands),
Anton Nijholt (University of Twente, The Netherlands) and
Joyce H.D.M. Westerink (Philips Research, The Netherlands)
The ability to process and, subsequently, understand affective signals is the core of emotional intelligence and empathy. However, more than a decade of research in affective computing has shown that it is hard to develop computational models of this process. We pose that the solution for this problem lays in a better understanding of how to process these affective signals. This article introduces a symposium that brought together various approaches towards unveiling affective signals. As such, it is envisioned to be a springboard for affective computing.
10:00 | Unveiling affective signals. Egon L. van den Broek & Anton Nijholt (University of Twente, The Netherlands), Joyce H.D.M. Westerink (Philips Research, The Netherlands). |
10:20 | Mimicry as a tool for understanding the emotions of others. Marielle Stel and Kees van den Bos (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands). |
10:40 | Break |
11:10 | Relative affective blindsight for fearful bodily expressions. Bernard M.C. Stienen and Beatrice de Gelder (MGH/MIT/HMS Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MA, USA / Tilburg University, The Netherlands). |
11:50 | Motor, emotional and cognitive empathic abilities in children with autism and conduct disorder. Danielle M.A. Bons, Floor E. Scheepers, Nanda N.J. Rommelse, and Jan K. Buitelaar (Karakter University Center Nijmegen, The Netherlands / Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, The Netherlands). |
12:10 | Facial EMG as a tool for inferring affective states. Anton van Boxtel (Tilburg University, The Netherlands). |
12:30 | Lunch break |
14:00 | Automatic measurement of affect in dimensional and continuous spaces: Why, What, and How? Hatice Gunes and Maja Pantic (Imperial College London, United Kingdom). |
14:20 | Measuring affective and social signals in vocal interaction. Khiet P. Truong (University of Twente, The Netherlands). |
14:40 | Social signal processing: understanding nonverbal communication in social interactions. Alessandro Vinciarelli and Fabio Valente (University of Glasgow, UK / Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland). |
15:20 | Forum discussion |
15:40 | End of session |