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Theme user meeting
Date: Tuesday, August 24
Time: 11:00-12:30
Location: Planck
Gudberg K. Jonsson (Human Behavior Laboratory, University of Iceland,
Reykjavik, Iceland).
An overview of recent research involving the t-pattern model and Theme.
Magnus S. Magnusson (Human Behavior Laboratory, University of Iceland,
Reykjavik, Iceland).
Scientific advances: new concepts, features and applications.Aim of the meeting
Aim of the meeting
In this session, users of Theme will get together to learn about the latest scientific advances, exchange experiences with other users, and discuss future development, desired product features, etc.
Case studies presented by users of Theme, coming from different research disciplines. Subjects can be the type of research or tests users are doing with Theme, problems encountered, and solutions that have been found:
- Measuring and Modeling Individual Differences and Cultural Effects in Second Language Reading. Tarik Hadzibeganovic (Cognitive Science Section, Department of Psychology, University of Graz, Austria)
- Temporal structure of rodent's anxiety-related behavior in the hole-board experimental assay. Maurizio Casarrubea (Department of Experimental Biomedicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Human Physiology Section, School of Medicine, University of Palermo Corso, Italy)
- Efficacy of T-patterns in Observational Methodology: Current Applications in Sport, Physical Activity and Dance. M. Teresa Anguera (Department of Methodology of the Behavioral Sciences, Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior, Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Identification and description of behaviors and dominance patterns in captive vervet monkeys (Cercophitecus aethiops pygerythrus) during feeding time. Gerardo Ortiz (The Center for Behavioral Studies, University of Guadalajara, Mexico)
- Discussion about possible directions for new developments with Prof. Magnus S. Magnusson, director Human Behavior Laboratory, University of Iceland, founder of PatternVision Ltd. and creator of Theme