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EthoVision XT user meeting

Date: Tuesday August 28

Time: 14:00 - 15:30

Location: 40

Chair: Ruud Tegellenbosch (Noldus IT)



  • Introduction 
    (Lucas Noldus, Noldus Information Technology, Wageningen, The Netherlands)
  • EthoVision XT 9 – what’s new 
    (Ruud Tegelenbosch, M.Sc. Noldus Information Technology, Wageningen, The Netherlands)`
  • Automated Rodent Behavior Recognition
    Elsbeth van Dam, M.Sc. Noldus Information Technology, Wageningen, The Netherlands)
  • Group discussion - In small groups we will exchange ideas on current features, and future directions of EthoVision XT. The following points will be addressed:
  1. Advanced behavior recognition: Based on the presentation from Elsbeth van Dam we would like to discuss what you think about Automated Rodent Behavior Recognition. What level of detail is required? What level of accuracy is required for this type of analysis to be of added value? Are there other technologies that possibly are better suited than video tracking technology? 
  2. Analysis and presentation of EthoVision XT data: Should EthoVision allow you to group data for analysis? What would you consider to be the most valuable statistical methods to include in EthoVision (e.g. Anova, T-test)? What other ways should EthoVision offer to visualize the acquired and analyzed data?
  3. The participants are invited to add points for the group discussion we could address in this discussion