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The Observer XT user meeting

Aim of the meeting
This meeting is about The Observer XT. The product manager will demonstrate the latest version of The Observer XT and tips and tricks for both novice and experienced users will be presented. The meeting gives customers and prospects an opportunity to share experiences and discuss ideas for product improvement. The meeting is open to everyone who works with The Observer XT, or who wishes to do so.  


  • Introduction
    (Lucas Noldus,  Noldus Information Technology, Wageningen, The Netherlands)
  • The Observer XT 11 – What’s new?
    (Niek Wilmink, Product Manager)
  • Group discussion session
    Observation in the field. What do I need when I am out of my lab? (Assisted by Noldus personnel)
  • Presentation of results
  • Tips & Tricks in The Observer XT 
    (Leanne Looijens, Consultant)