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Remco Veltkamp
Remco Veltkamp is full professor of Computer Science at Utrecht University. He leads the group on Multimedia & Geometry. His research interests are 3D interaction, construction of virtual worlds, and 3D object recognition. He has written over 150 refereed papers in reviewed journals and conferences, and supervised 15 PhD theses.
He is editor of the International Journal on Shape Modeling, the international journal Pattern Recognition, guest editor of the special issues of Algorithmica, Multimedia Tools & Applications, and Computational Geometry Theory & Applications, was editor of the Eurographics State-of-the-Art proceedings, and organized the Dagstuhl Seminars on Content-Based Retrieval.
He is in the steering committee of the SMI conferences, and program chair of ISMIR, 3DOR, S-3D, and 3AMIGAS, and PC member of 45 conferences.