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Scientific Program Committee

 Name Institute
Dr. Andrew Spink (chair, scientific program committee) Noldus Information Technology bv, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Prof. Remco Veltkamp (conference chair) Media Studies, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Prof. Gernot Riedel (conference chair) Department of Biomedical Sciences, School of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Prof. Berry Spruijt (honorary chair) Behavioral Biology Group, Department of Biology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands 
Dr. Boris de Ruyter Cognitive & Behavioral Insights User Experiences Department, Philips Research Europe, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Dr. Emilia Barakova Department of Industrial Design, Technical University of Eindhoven
Dr. Egon van den Broek Professor in Man-Machine Interaction, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Prof. Wim Crusio Research Director, French National Research Council, Talence, France
Prof. Robert Gerlai Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Dr. John Krantz Department of Psychology, Hanover College, Hanover, IN, USA
Dr. Lucas Noldus Noldus Information Technology bv, Wageningen, The Netherlands 
Dr. Fabio Paternò Laboratory on Human Interfaces in Information Systems, Institute of Information Science and Technologies, C.N.R., Pisa, Italy
Prof. Vicenç Quera Department of Behavioral Science Methods, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Matthias Rauterberg Department Industrial Design
Eindhoven University of Technology
PObox 513, 5600MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Dr. Hugh Marston TPP Global Development, Edinborough, Scotland.
Prof. Ilan Golani Department of Zoology,
Faculty of Life Sciences,
Tel Aviv University,