Ambulatory skin conductance

Organisers: Joyce Westerink and Martin Ouwerkerk, Phillips Research

Schedule: Thursday 28th August 11:10 - 12:30, Haakzaal

New wrist-based skin conductance devices are now emerging. The first studies with these new (prototype) devices have been completed. The dynamics of skin conductance at the wrist differs from skin conductance measured at the standard locations such as the fingers, or the palm of the hand. This may open new application areas, but it may also hamper acceptance by the establishment.  The time is ripe to organize a symposium where both the established skin conductance experts are invited as well as the researchers that have experience with the wrist-based skin conductance devices. Also combining skin conductance at the wrist with other sensors, such as heart rate at the wrist, accelerometry, and skin temperature can open new venues of measuring behavior.


Time Authors Title
  Martin Ouwerkerk and Joyce Westerink Introduction
11:10-11:30 Eco De Geus, Annebet Gerssen-Goedhart and Gonneke Willemsen. VU University, the Netherlands. Comparing cardiac and skin sympathetic nervous system activity
11:30-11:50 Ewout Meije, Maastricht University, the Netherlands. The Use of Skin Conductance in the Detection of Deception
11:50-12:10 Rafal Kocielnikm, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. LifelogExplorer: A tool for visual exploration of ambulatory skin conductance measurements in context
12:10-12:30 Henk Nijman, Peter de Looff, Erik Kuijpers, Joost à Campo, Mariëlle Stevens, Manon Budy, Paulien Ligtvoet and Martin Ouwerkerk. Altrecht Aventurijn, the Netherlands. Watch it!; a study into the associations between skin conductance and aggressive behavior
12:30-12:50 Matthijs Noordzij and Marleen Laroy-Noordzij. University of Twente, the Netherlands. MoodRadar-DAVID: Facilitating Insightful Care by Combining Caretaker Expertise and Real Time Insight in Electrodermal Fluctuations

