Demonstration Showcase

In the Demonstration Showcase, delegates will show their inventions, software prototypes, new hardware devices etc. Both academic inventions and commercial products are welcome.

The following demonstrations are planned:

Title Presenters
Tracklab and PeopleTracker: a solution for accurate tracking and movement analysis Nico van der Aa and Ben Loke, Noldus InnovationWorks
Rodent Behavior Recognition Elsbeth A van Dam, Oscar Fernandez and Malte Lorbach, Noldus Information Technology
SWEET demonstrator: a crowd emotion monitor John Schavemaker (1), Ben Loke (2), Mike Kelia (2), Bas Huijbrechts (1), Paul Ivan (3), Arjen de Rijke (4), Tom Regelink (5), Lucas Noldus (2), Martin Kersten (4,6), Marten den Uyl (3), Wouter van Kleunen (7), Hans Scholten (7), Paul Havinga (7), Leon Wiertz (2), Arno Pont (1).  1TNO, 2Noldus Information Technology, 3VicarVision, 4CWI, 5TASS, 6MonetDB, 7Twente University
MWrap: a simple tool for analysing behavior observation recordings Melinda Babits and Miklós Bán, University of Debrecen.
FaceReader: new developments in facial expression analysis Hans Theuws and Tim den Uyl, Noldus Information Technology & Vicar Vision
Remote analysis of facial expressions with FaceReader Online Hans Theuws and Hans van Kuilenburg, Noldus Information Technology & Vicar Vision
Wearable logging device for wireless physiological and transducer signals Alex Dimov, Biopac
ErasmusLadder: a new tool for screening motor performance and motor learning abilities of laboratory mice Reinko Roelofs, Noldus Information Technology
Viso, the new multi room recording tool Niek Wilmink, Noldus Information Technology
Monitor Blood Glucose Levels 24/7 with DSI Implantable Glucose Telemetry Jennifer Seidl, Data Sciences International 
LoliTrack – video behavior analysis made easy Britta Gribsholt, Loligo Systems
Electrophysiology in Touchscreen Chambers: Considerations for System Integration Greg Prescott, Campden Instruments
NeuroVirtual 3D - A 3D simulation platform for measuring behavior Pietro Cipresso, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano
EthoVision XT: Integration of external data with video track data Ruud Tegelenbosch, Noldus Information Technology
High-throughput measurement of behavior and cardiac activity of Xenopus tadpoles

Kay Eckelt, IBEC
